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Grant Writing Is Like Dating: Finding Your Perfect Funding Match

Navigating the world of grant writing can sometimes feel like traversing the dating scene. Both pursuits involve finding the right match, building a strong connection, and sustaining a lasting relationship. In this blog post, we explore the ways grant writing and dating share parallels and how understanding these similarities can set you up for success in securing funding for your nonprofit organization.

Finding the Right Match

Just like dating, grant writing begins with a search for the perfect match. Researching potential funders requires patience and persistence to identify those whose interests and values align with your nonprofit’s mission and goals. The more targeted your search, the higher the chances of finding a strong match with a funding organization that shares your priorities and can support your cause.

Making a Strong First Impression

Crafting an engaging and persuasive grant proposal is akin to preparing for a first date. You want to put your best foot forward and create a strong impression right from the start. A well-written proposal will capture a grantmaker’s interest and lay the foundation for building a deeper connection. Be authentic in expressing your organization’s needs and aspirations, while also showing a commitment to creating a positive impact in your community.

Establishing Trust

Successful relationships in both dating and grant writing are built on a foundation of trust. Demonstrating transparency, honesty, and accountability in your proposal will help establish credibility with a potential funder. Be open about your organization’s challenges and successes, and ensure you provide accurate and verifiable information throughout your grant application.

Showcasing Compatibility

A key factor in successful relationships is compatibility. In grant writing, this translates to showing grantmakers how well your organization and project align with their funding priorities and values. Highlight the aspects of your proposal that resonate with the funder’s goals, and illustrate your shared commitment to making a difference.

Regular Communication

Healthy and lasting relationships depend on open and ongoing communication. After securing a grant, maintain regular contact with your funder to provide updates on your project’s progress, share successes, and discuss any challenges encountered. By nurturing this relationship, you demonstrate appreciation for their support and pave the way for future collaborations and funding opportunities.

Learning and Growing Together

Both dating and grant writing are about growth and development, personally and professionally. Embrace opportunities to learn from your experiences, accept feedback, and continuously refine your approach. By embracing a growth mindset, you set yourself up for success in building strong connections with funders and contributing positively to your community.

Celebrating Milestones

Whether achieving project milestones or enjoying romantic anniversaries, taking the time to reflect on and celebrate accomplishments can strengthen bonds. Share your successes with grantmakers to demonstrate the impact of their support, and celebrate achievements with your team, volunteers, and supporters.

Nurturing a Long-Term Partnership

Building and nurturing long-term relationships are essential components of both the dating and grant writing worlds. Once you have established a connection with a grantmaker, invest time in fostering trust, maintaining open communication, and working toward shared successes. This will not only benefit your nonprofit’s projects but also create the foundation for ongoing support and collaboration.


By recognizing the similarities between dating and grant writing, you can approach the funding search and relationship-building process with greater understanding and confidence. Remember that, like dating, grant writing is about finding the right match, building trust, showcasing compatibility, and nurturing a long-term partnership. With time, effort, and patience, your nonprofit can secure the financial support needed to make a meaningful impact in your community.

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About the Author
Veronica Robbins, aka The Grant Goddess, has been writing grants professionally for over 25 years, helping nonprofit organizations, schools, businesses, and government agencies earn hundreds of millions of dollars in funding.